Wills and Estate Lawyers Edmonton


Wills, Estates & Trusts

McCuaig Desrochers LLP has experienced lawyers in the areas of Estate Planning, Trusts and Estate Administration (Probate).

Estate Planning and Trusts:

We encourage our clients to plan for the future. With proper planning, you will have the comfort and assurance of knowing that your wishes will be carried out and that your loved ones will be cared for. We have expertise in all areas of estate planning, including:
  • Wills – allow for the proper and orderly disposition of your property in the way that you want it to happen.
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney – Appoints a trusted person to handle your financial matters when you are no longer able to do so.
  • Personal Directives (formerly Living Wills) – Appoints a trusted person to handle your personal and health care matters when you are no longer able to do so.
Estate Planning can also include creating specific types of Trusts, should the circumstances require it. There are various types of trusts such as:
  • Testamentary Trusts;
  • Educational Trusts;
  • Inter vivos Trusts;
  • Spousal Trusts;
  • Family Trusts; and
  • Alter Ego.
Our lawyers can assist you in creating these to ensure your estate plan takes into account all the various components of your holdings such as properties, insurance assets, and charitable goals.

Estate Administration:

We act for people named in a Will as a Personal Representative (Executor) that chose to act on behalf of an estate to determine the steps that need to be taken including:
  • The collection of information;
  • The collection of property and assets;
  • Determining whether the estate of the deceased will require an application for a grant of probate or a grant of letters of administration;
  • Preparing and submitting documents to the Surrogate Division of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta to apply for a grant;
  • Attending to the orderly distribution according to the terms of a grant and ensuring that the estate is properly administered.
  • Advising executors, agents, attorneys, guardians and trustees;
Please contact one of our wills, estates and trust practitioners for more information. If you are seeking advice regarding Estate Litigation (Estate Disputes) please click here If you are seeking advice regarding Represented Adults (Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship) please click here